The Secret Law Of Attraction

1. Gratitude
2. Visualize

"Whatever the mind of mind can conceive, it can achieve."
"Imagination is everything, it is the preview of life's coming attractions."
"When you have inspired thought, you have trust it and to act on it."

Instead of thinking of getting out of debt, think prosperity.
When you focus on lack or scarcity, you will attract it.

Instead of thinking you have to work hard for money, think money comes easily for me.
Life is meant to be abundant in all areas.
Inner joy, inner peace, inner freedom.

We are creators of our universe, whatever we wish for in our lives we will manifest.
Your wish is my command. From the universe.

For relationships to work, we need to focus on appreciating on the other person, instead of complaining.

I am grateful to Samantha Chong for being the first kiss lover, and the way she taught me to kiss.

I am grateful to Elyssa Chua for teaching me to study instead of being in a relationship since young at primary 1 level of school.

I am grateful to Carissa Chee for teaching me how to love, she brought tears to my eyes when she left me and I'm still grateful for her to end our relationship although I brought closure for her.

I am grateful to Tan Liting for teaching me how much sex means to me in relationship with others.

I am grateful to my mother for teaching me about life.
I am grateful to my grandmother for teaching me how to be a humble person.
I am grateful to my father for teaching me how to be a cleverer and smarter person.

Always keep thinking you are already healed to manifest healing in your life and begin the healing process. Watch funny movies, do fun things in life and love the things you do.

Possibility, joy, hopefulness brings healing into our life cause our body is changing every second and minute of our lives and in a few years we get a new body.

Healthy body needs a healthy emotional state of mind.

"Man becomes what he thinks about"

"What you resists, persists."
If you're anti war, be pro-peace. If you are anti a politician, be pro his opponent. Normally when you talk about what is terrible, you create more of it.

Learn to be still, take away energy and emotional charge from what you don't want to give it all to visualize and be grateful for what you want.

There is a lie that people just have lack and not enough going for everybody. But that's just a lie, there is more than enough creative ideas, joy and more than enough for everybody to go around.

Life is meant to be abundant.
We can always find more resources all the time.

If we live according of our hearts, we don't go after the same things in life.
That's the beauty of it.

If you believe and see it and act on it, it will show up for you.

All of the prosperity it's there. You have to want it, have intention and see it and the universe will deliver it to you. Recognize all the beautiful things around you and see it becoming true for you.
Don't see the things you want and show it any energy.

If you look at your hands under microscope, it is just a mass of energy.
All is energy vibrating.

Energy creates the world. Energy is all that has been and can never be destroyed. It will change forms but never destroyed. God is the same description as this.
We are all spiritual beings.

We are all connected, we just don't see it. It is just one energy field.

You are eternal life, you are god in manifested form. We are likeness of God. We are infinite field of infinite possibilities. We have God potential and energy to create all that we want.

"All power is within, that is why it is always under control."

What are you going to do now and choose now?

You are the designer of your destiny, you are the author the pen is in your hands.

You can begin where you are and begin thinking and the feeling tone of healing and happiness you can achieve.

"Whether you can or can't, either ways you are right."

There is no blackboard in the sky which God has written your mission.
But the blackboard doesn't exists.

Your life is your own creation and nobody can judge you for it so you can write your own story for yourself.

Joy, love, freedom, happiness, wealth, keys to happiness.

Have the intention of what you want and manifest it.
Whatever makes you feel good will help you have more of it.

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you.
