
Showing posts from April, 2020

Meditation to the moon

See the moon so clear and bright tonight. Really miss those days where i will sit at the highest floor of the carpark to meditate upon my wishes in life and see through all the motives of mankind. 

Fresh Air

I breathe in the fresh air of the morning living prayer my life has for me every morning. I breathe in the godliness of the godhead that the world has bestowed upon me and I love the world so the world has only one begotten son of God. I love my new job now at North vista secondary school beside the school. The rivervale. Same as my house address. I love the world so much that by leaving it behind me all I wish the best for all begotten beings that they may too love the world. 

Dating Time and Marriage of a lifetime.

For now in my life, I'm not concentrating on dating girls out anymore. I'm no longer holding any elections for a permanent girlfriend or wife. All girls that want to become my girlfriend must go through my father's wishes first. I have high expectations that my wife and me must work so we can buy a condominium together. Although I'm working as security officer but I'm holding $2468 pay every month plus a wife's salary must hit 5k or 6k to get a condominium. I don't mind a girl earning more than me but I still have the looks although I'm much heavier in terms of weight than I was in 18 years old. I don't wish for any girl coming into my life asking me for free sex anymore. Even if you are a model I won't want it anymore because I experienced the lifestyle of going with high flying girls already. I just want a wife who earns about 2.5 to 3k every month to be with me. I want happiness, true happiness and truth and honest and open relatio...

Down and out

Although recently I lost my job, I found another job that pays me higher than before. This is a victory won for me but I have to work extra days every week. That's all only. I don't mind working lots of hours or many days working but I always wanted a job that grants me freedom to what I do. I really hope my father's plans to bring me to other countries come to fruition. That's all I can ask for from God. I ask God to grant me the strength I need today, tomorrow and the day after and everyday of my life to draw from his reservoir of strength that he has upon his people. I hope I can last long in this new job of mine. I really hope that the people there likes me and I can adapt like my last job I did adapted to before. I wish all the best for my friends in whatever jobs they maybe doing now and I hope to connect with my previous friends from Zenshiro Hideaki account although now I'm Prince Toro. How I wish everything can come to a standstill one day and I ...