
Showing posts from March, 2020

My house in 2027

I plan to buy a studio apartment condominium by 35 years old. So here's my planning. 20% CPF I only have 68376. Not 100000. 5% Cash of 25000 I have 50400 from my Grandma treasure fund and 87000 from my own pay if I spend 12 per day at work or resting at home. So added up 87000 plus 50400 plus 68376 I have 205776. The cost of the condo is 500000. The cost of the down-payment plus the stamp duty is 125000 plus 15000 which is 140000. Every month payment is 60% of my income which is 1320. Which I'm left with 440 after getting passive income from my condo I have $2440. This is my plan for the next seven years. But my friend who is an agent told me the sum of 1320 can be deducted with my cpf so I will get 880 every month back. Plus 2000 is 2880. So I will get to spend $89 per day in all months of the year yearly. After paying off all my debts. 


I have been thinking lately, how to gain popularity on my blogposts. I really like aurora so here I am posting all about auroras!

Ring Stone

My friend Simon taught me that wearing a ring stone on your hands there are three things you cannot do. 1. Bring to pawn shop. The stone loves you so much and if you want the stone to continue loving you you should not bring him to pawnshop.  2. Bring the stone to funerals. The stone will cry and not bring you good luck.  3. Taboo of wearing the stone while having sex. Not advisable as it is an unclean act and the stone should not see it. 

Balling In Life

Balling In Life 1. Always be the game changer in life. 2. The expectations of everyone will always remain high. Being unable to fulfill them is not a big deal. Think about self first and then prioritize the matters of everyone.  3. When we are unable to prove ourselves up to the opposite person's expectations, we feel guilty. This guilt often causes mental disturbances leading to physical illnesses. 4. The surroundings and atmosphere affect our thinking pattern to a great extent. Once you realize, just begin to shed off the things that are of no use and stop accepting new burdens. 5. As the life passes by, take each day as a new lesson and learn the new things that come your way. 6. Drop off the memories and people that do not match your taste in life. 7. Take time out to appreciate yourself and thank your mind, body and soul for accompanying you right since the time you stepped into this world. 8. Appreciate yourself for every good job done before anyone else does it. 9. Every per...

Happy Trader

I'm so happy today. Started my Grandma Trust Funds with my auntie Betty and I contacted my broker for me to start trading. Planning to retire by the age of 35! My plan is coming true for me! 


你还在我的怀里躲风 不习惯言不由衷 沉默如何能让你都懂 此刻与你相拥 也算有始有终 祝福有许多种 心痛却尽在不言中 请你一定要比我幸福 才不枉费我狼狈退出 再痛也不说苦 爱不用抱歉来弥补 至少我能成全你的追逐 请记得你要比我幸福 才值得我对自己残酷 我默默的倒数 最后再把你看清楚 看你眼里的我好模糊 慢慢被放逐 望着广场的时钟 你还在我的怀里躲风 不习惯言不由衷 沉默如何能让你都懂 此刻与你相拥 也算有始有终 祝福有许多种 心痛却尽在不言中 请你一定要比我幸福 才不枉费我狼狈退出 再痛也不说苦 爱不用抱歉来弥补 至少我能成全你的追逐 请记得你要比我幸福 才值得我对自己残酷 我默默的倒数 最后再把你看清楚 看你眼里的我好模糊 慢慢被放逐 放心去追逐你的幸福 别管我愿不愿孤不孤独 都别在乎 请你一定要比我幸福 才不枉费我狼狈退出 再痛也不说苦 爱不用抱歉来弥补 至少我能成全你的追逐 请记得你要比我幸福 才值得我对自己残酷 我默默的倒数 最后再把你看清楚 看你眼里的我好模糊 慢慢被放逐 放心去追逐你的幸福 别管我愿不愿


不懂将讯息输送吗 而这次 叫妳真的惊讶 最美亦最真 却像似假 偷泣的声音沙与哑 而妳说妳快乐而害怕 妳不信任爱吗 和情人深深一吻 来代替讲话 好吗 这讯号以无声仿有声 领略时未需解码 和情人紧紧拥抱 来代替讲话 好吗 妳快乐 眼泪想洒了 而不准你洒 我在旁 请不要害怕 不懂得讲出心意吗 仍欠语句 唇边轻轻挂 给些信心 好吗 听到 低泣的声音 沙与哑 而我说我会来付代价 我心痛 但妳听到吗 凝神凝望 妳这串泪时 我发觉 我已完全会意 而无用妳的启齿

if you do not know me

If you don't know me by now You will never never never know me All the things That we've been through You should understand me Like I understand you Now girl I know the difference Between right and wrong I ain't gonna do nothing To break up our happy home Don't get so excited When I come home A little late at night 'Cause we only act like children When we argue fuss and fight If you don't know me by now You will never never never know me We've all got our Own funny moods I've got mine, Woman you've got yours too Just trust in me like I trust in you As long as we've been together It should be so easy to do Just get yourself together Or we might as well say goodbye What good is a love affair When you can't see eye to eye If you don't know me by now You will never Never never know me


我真的沒有精力 在失戀一次了 要麼不開始 要麼一輩子 我不想再分手了 只想找個人 一直一直在一起 真的累了...真的怕了...


人生要找到這四個人  人生就是為了找尋愛的過程。 每個人的人生都要找到四個人:第一個是自己,第二個是你最愛的人,第三個是最愛你的人,第四個是共度一生的人。 首先會遇到你最愛的人,然後體會到愛的感覺;因為了解被愛的感覺,所以才能發現最愛你的人;經歷過愛人與被愛,學會了愛,才會知道什麼是你需要的,也才會找到最適合你,能夠相處一輩子的人。 但很悲哀,在現實生活中,這三個人通常不是同一個人;你最愛的,往往沒有選擇你;最愛你的,往往不是你最愛的;而最長久的,偏偏不是你最愛也不是最愛你的,只是適合的時間出現的那個人。 你,會是別人生命中的第幾個人呢? 沒有人是故意要變心的,他愛你的時候是真的愛你,可他不愛你的時候也是真的,他愛你的時候沒有辦法假裝不愛你;同樣的,他不愛你的時候也無辦法假裝愛你。 當一個人不愛你要離開你,你要問自己還愛不愛他,如果你也不愛他了,千萬別為了可憐的自尊而不肯離開;如果你還愛他,你應該希望他過得幸福快樂,希望他跟真正愛的人在一起,絕不會阻止,你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福,就表示你已經不愛他了,而如果你不愛他,你又有什麼資格指責他變心呢? 愛不是佔有,你喜歡月亮,不可能把月亮拿下來放在臉盆裡,但月亮的光芒仍可照進你的房間。 換句話說,你愛一個人,也可以用另一種方式擁有,讓愛人成為生命裡的永恆回憶。 如果你真愛一個人,就要愛他原來的樣子——愛他的好,也愛他的壞;愛他的優點,也愛他的缺點,絕不能因為愛他,就希望他變成自己所希望的樣子。 真正愛一個人是無法說出原因的,無論何時何地、心情好壞,你都希望這個人陪著你;真正的感情是兩人能在最艱苦中相守,沒有絲毫要求。 畢竟,感情必須付出,而不是只想獲得;分開是一種必然的考驗,如果你們感情不夠穩固,只好認輸,真愛是不會變成怨恨的。 兩人在談情說愛的時候,最喜歡叫對方發誓,許下承諾。 我們為什麼要對方發誓,就是因為我們不相信對方,我們根本不相信情人,而這些山盟海誓又很不切實際:海枯石爛、地老天荒,都不能改變我對你的愛! 明知道海不會枯、石不會爛、地不會老、天不會荒;就算會,也活不到那時候。 許下諾言的時候千萬注意,不要許下可以實現的諾言。 請記住:“不可能實現的諾言最動人”! 在愛情裡,說的是一套,做的是另一套;講的人不相信,聽的人也不相信。 你呢? 找到了第幾個? 茫茫人海中,你遇見了誰? 誰又遇見了你?


從你發表的一切真理,看見神就是愛, 我心中可愛的良人,多想與你生活在一起, 總想與你沒有距離,總想與你相偎相依, 總想體貼你的心意,總想與你同心成知己。 自從聽見你的聲音,我今生再也難忘記你, 你的聲音悅耳動聽,你的話語威嚴有力, 字字句句都是真理,都是我生命的需要, 你的話語吸引了我的心,放下一切跟隨你。 二 明白你的話就是真理,看見你的性情太尊貴, 你的愛聖潔令人愛慕,你的公義配受讚美。 可我充滿敗壞性情,想愛你又身不由己, 經歷審判試煉熬煉,明白了你的良苦用心。 我受痛苦你話安慰,我失敗跌倒你來攙扶, 你從沒有離棄我,一直在暗中看顧保守我。 你的所說所作都是愛,都為潔淨拯救我, 盡本分享受你愛太多,追求愛你不再遲疑。 你的愛太深無人能測透,你配受人的愛, 跟隨你寸步不離,只為追隨你的愛你的愛。 ∼ 葉小秋